Saturday, May 31, 2008

Further Tendencies Indicating Dynamism In Handwriting

This continues last week’s exploration, and gives you another opportunity to look at your handwriting to see how dynamic you are. Remember, if you would like to emulate these stroke tendencies in your writing, you will be personally ‘taking on the cloak of dynamism’ that these strokes represent.

Determination: Are your ‘y’ and ‘g’ down strokes straight? If the answer is, yes, you are indicating an excellent level of determination as reflected by your handwriting. If you find your letter ‘y’ has a down stroke that is slightly bent, it indicates your determination will be somewhat ‘go with the flow’, where you have every intention of moving toward a goal, but find things continually intervene. Try straightening this particular stroke and see how you feel!

Willpower: T-bars per se represent willpower. Check your pen pressure on your t-bars. If your pen pressure is firm, it indicates your willpower is similarly firm. If your pen pressure is weaker on your t-bars, it suggests you can be inclined toward the will of others before your own. If your t-bar stands alone and is slightly ‘dished’ like a saucer, you might like to see how you feel by straightening the stroke and perhaps increasing the pen pressure on your t-bar.

Persistence: Do you have tie-loops in your t-bars or in the mid-portion of your letter f’s? If the answer is yes, this means you have a strong persistence as reflected by your writing. You are, therefore, not someone who gives up easily, but someone who will try every possible avenue until you’re sure a course of action has been exhausted.

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