Sunday, March 20, 2011

Handwriting: Importance of Cursive Part 3


There is an upper stream of very competitive kids who are not taking the shortcuts many of our schools are instituting. For example, there are many ambitious newcomers and some who are considered ‘old school’ or traditional who have insisted their children take the more disciplined route and who can be seen in coffee houses all over the city with pen in hand working in study groups and using cursive writing. These children will become the doctors, lawyers and upper management. They are not late and don’t say “Hellooh, I had a hair appointment.” The bigger issue of education relates to the children with less discipline who have “lower case” ‘reading/writing/and ‘rithmatic’ skills and whose parents have glib answers to the shortcomings of today’s education in schools and who have facile explanations why their children are only achieving a Grade ‘C’ average.

With the Boomers, Generation X, Generation Y and Generation Z all having to interact and get along, it seems the characteristics above have swung the proverbial pendulum far from the middle. I believe what we’re to see in the next number of years will move that now-wildly-swinging pendulum to more of a balance.

The start-point to find a balance for that pendulum is to reinstitute cursive writing in schools and to teach the children to make longer upper loops, thereby fostering an interest far-reaching ideas, values and philosophies. This will give them a stronger focus they can apply other learning, and will provide a short respite from their many technological diversions. A longer, stronger attention span will, no doubt be an added benefit.


emma jacob said...

I can't find the words to express how I feel about handwriting. But your little paragraph really said what I can't. I am a HUGE fanatic of Handwriting expert , preferably from ancestors and it's always a treat when one is found that is handwritten. Those I cherish the most. They are priceless.

Graphologyindia said...

Handwriting analysis