Friday, March 13, 2009

Narrow-Mindedness and Handwriting

My last blog discussed broad-mindedness as it is seen in handwriting. How then do you discern through handwriting if a candidate is narrow minded? First, let’s discuss what narrow-mindedness is: For the purpose of this blog it is someone who has a narrow or restricted point of view, or someone who is intolerant to opinions they consider far from theirs. To an extreme, narrow-mindedness may cut someone off from outside experiences and contribute to inner tensions, limit understanding and reduce thinking capacity. Although thought of negatively, narrow-mindedness may provide the positive effect of acting as a screen against the intrusion of extraneous ideas into a person’s pattern of thinking so that certain opinions can be blocked out to preserve their way of life.

In handwriting, narrow-mindedness is indicated by narrowed letter e’s, sometimes so restricted as to be retraced. You may also see tightly oval circle letters as well. Someone who has this evident in their writing prefers to stay ‘safe’ within the confines of his own experience and does not welcome the ideas of others. If a candidate’s e’s are retraced but the oval letters are rounded, there will be some appreciation of the opinions of others, but they won’t be likely to be accepting of them.

If your candidate’s writing has extremely narrow upper loops in the l’s h’s b’s and k’s, your candidate will restrict philosophical ideas Add to this attention to detail (close i-dots to the i-stems) and loyalty to beliefs (rounded i-dots) and you have a definite perfectionist in your candidate. If in addition to the above your candidate’s m’s and n’s have sharp v-wedges at the base of the letter and corresponding upper v-wedges in the letter, your candidate may exhibit narrow-mindedness because he has come to what he believes is a correct conclusion and he sees no need to explore the situation further; the matter will be closed as far as he is concerned.

Stubbornness (tent strokes in the d’s, t’s or l’s) may enhance narrow-mindedness for, after having taken a stand, your candidate would refuse to change their mind or admit a new idea. The vertical-slanted candidate (poised) who also retraces his e’s may see only the black-and-white related issues and refuse to acknowledge the existence of ‘gray or nuance’ between.

Repression (retraced m’s and n’s) in addition to retraced e’s makes your candidate afraid to assert new ideas or expand the ones they have. Add to this mix of traits self-deceit (left-ward looped a’s and d’s) and your candidate will be afraid to face life and, in closing his mind to the facts, they deceive themselves. All the above with dagger- and downward-slanting t-bars and you have someone who is generally obnoxious and who tries to enforce their ideas on everyone around them.

Be sure to view my 5-minute “Power of the Pen” DVD on my Home Page at

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