Saturday, November 8, 2008

Handwriting: Letter Spacing

Letter spacing in handwriting relates to self-expression and, in regard to relationships, your level of warmth and receptivity.

If you were to look for an ideal space between letters, you might like to think of having the space of a ‘u’ between letters. With this amount of space between letters, you would be someone who could adapt, respond in a friendly manner, and be able to have a good give-and-take within your relationships. Not only would you have an openness to learning, but you could alter your point of view within that learning. You would likely be open-minded, candid and have a good level of self-discipline and steadiness.

Irregular letter spacing suggests someone who will likely be inconsistent in their responses to others, sometimes acting impulsively and sometimes pulling back, and seeming to not know where they really want to direct their efforts. Confusion of interests and the result rollercoaster ride of feelings that accompanies it may be far more attractive to this person than consistency and directed effort. In truth, this type of writing indicates a person who is anxious and not sure (or inwardly worried) about which way to go. They may well overreact to situations and people.

Very narrow letter spacing suggests someone who tends toward impulsiveness or overreactions in most situations, and whose judgment may be ‘off’. This type of person tries to fit in because the most important thing to them is acceptance. A narrow letter spacing can be indicative of someone who experiences confusion about what they feel and also about what others feel.

Someone whose letter spacing is wide is usually more outgoing and tending toward spontaneity. This is the type of person who responds ‘in the moment’ rather than taking time to ponder. They may fall in and out of love easily, for their attachments may appear to be to many, but in reality are to few. This type of person can on occasion be a little thoughtless and can lack tact at times.

Be sure to view my 5-minute “Power of the Pen” DVD on my Home Page at

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