Conrad Black in 1996
I recently found a letter written by Conrad Black in 1996, and thought there would be a good deal of interest in the dynamic aspects of his writing at that time.
Note the very firm t-bars, denoting extremely strong willpower. Most of the t-bars are extremely long, indicating enthusiasm: This enthusiasm made Conrad of 1996 a natural leader: All he had to do is get excited about what he was doing, and others would want to be a part of it. Many of his t-bars angle upward on his page of writing, indicating his optimism and positive mental attitude.
A great number of the t-bars sweepingly join to his next letter, indicating his fluidity of mind. This fluidity not only helped Conrad talk his way into or out of most situations, but helped him troubleshoot any difficult situation. He could easily change the subject, and no one would know! The figure-8 ‘g’ in the word ‘meeting’ and ‘King’s’ also indicates this fluidity of mind.
The star shape in the letter ‘t’ within the word ‘ate’ and ‘next’ indicates his tenacity.
Note the stick on the letter ‘p’ in the word ‘hope’ and ‘accept’. This stick shape indicates ‘argumentativeness’, indicating that Conrad is an incredible debater; he is someone who almost always got the last word.
The sharp break-away stroke in Conrad’s letter h’s in the mid-portion of the letter and the same break-away stroke in his letter ‘t’ in the word ‘went’ indicates his initiative: Conrad didn’t wait for much, but moved ahead with whatever needed to be done.
His many greek e’s within his letters indicated his literary ability and his creativity, seen today in the books and columns he is writing. The delta d’s in the word ‘overwhelmed’ and ‘forward’ also indicate his literary and creative abilities.
Conrad’s straight dowstrokes indicate his determination. His wide lower loops indicate his love of variety and ability to multi-task. There are many stick-like downstrokes without loops throughout his script, indicating Conrad would do his best work independently and was a leader/manager personality.
The retracing of his letter l’s suggest he was particular about the ideas he accepted, and would not readily accept an idea beyond his comfort zone.
The angled connective strokes between many of his letters indicate Conrad’s drive to achieve.
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